Our impact

For over 25 years we have inspired, guided and championed caregivers’ use of music to strengthen care.
As a universal language, using music enables us to work in diverse contexts, cultures and communities around the world. Our activities are tailored to enable caregivers to create new and ongoing opportunities for people in vulnerable situations to access music as part of their care.
How we think about our impact
We use a Theory of Change model to help us capture, monitor and communicate our impact. This traces links between our goals, those of our Partners, the ways in which music is being used by all involved and the experiences for different beneficiary groups. Using it, we can pinpoint key details from what our Partners tell us and report our impact more precisely. While we feel our current Theory of Change reflects our work today, we continue to refine and adapt it over time.
As part of our charity strategy we only pursue activities where we are confident they can have a meaningful impact. Over time, the impact we record further guides which activities we replicate or develop.

Our impact in 2024:
15,707 people have access to music as part of their care
574 caregivers have been equipped to use music in their work
210 care and education settings around the world use music with our help