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I’m Claudia Cornea, preschool teacher at Grădinita cu P.P. Arici Pogonici Gherla, Cluj county. I am not a music teacher, nor a therapist, but I am a teacher who loves music. Music for me is like breathing. I never tire of breathing, just like I never tire of music.

Introducing music into the children’s routine and play, from the first years of their lives, has a positive influence on early development: it helps children move, think and be creative. Music encourages artistic development and gives the child the ability to express themselves in ways not available through other forms of art or play.

Between 11th and 13th of September 2020, I took part in the continuing professional training course “Therapeutic work with music in the recovery of people with disabilities”, a 20-hour course held by “Sound-Art-E-Motion Association of practitioners working therapeutically through music and other arts”, in partnership with the Bihor Didactic House. This course was held in Oradea, by Monica Manases (Szabo). Coincidentally, I found out from Facebook that I can apply for the Instrument Fund if I have attended this vocational training course. I tried my luck, not knowing that I would be the lucky winner.

With the help of these instruments, I will continue what I started in 2019, with other children, (including children from other classes, if the parents want) with my colleagues if they want to, maybe at another level, with more instruments. At the moment it’s hard for me to work with the whole class because I don’t have the necessary number of instruments (I only have one set of percussion instruments, one set of bells, one of tubes and one of sound bellows and it would be difficult to work with a big number of children).

My music programme takes the form of an optional course approved by ISJ Cluj. I rarely work with the whole class because I don’t have the necessary musical instruments; most often I work with small groups of 4-5 children, or individually when time permits. At the moment I only work with children, but I was also a mentor in the “Mentoring with inspiration” – an online training programme for teachers from all the country, doing different activities. All my activities are carried out during the school day, at the preschool where I work as a teacher. I work with children from ordinary families, with children from single-parent families, but also with children with SEN (I also have such children in the group). Music is therapy for them, it contributes to their socio-emotional development. Integrating these children after the pandemic was quite difficult, but I managed to integrate them with the help of music, music works wonders.

I do not force the children to take part in music activities, they have the freedom to choose to participate when they want and when they feel they are ready for these activities. Compared to other classes where there is no constant work, my children are brilliant, they feel the rhythm through every pore and use the musical instruments with ease. Because in our country musical instruments are not taught in kindergarten and there are no appropriate teaching materials and methods, I designed my own books with colourful musical scores, published them and use them in my group, but I also have my own methods of teaching music. I use the flannelgraph and laser method (this belongs to me) but also the coloured sheet method (also invented by me) precisely to facilitate teaching and singing with the help of musical instruments. I don’t teach conventionally because in our country you are not taught how to teach children to play a musical instrument neither in college nor in Pedagogical High School. I started singing with these children, since they were 3 years old, when they were in the small class. Small children love music, so I used music to integrate them into kindergarten and I succeeded quite easily, the differences are significant (in 3 years they have evolved fantastically).

Music can be used to encourage interaction, to facilitate communication, to express emotions, and I can show you videos of my activities, precisely to emphasize this.

Teaching music otherwise was a real challenge for me because there are no materials here in the country; I, being self-taught, created them. It was difficult for me to get my fellow teachers used to the fact that music is not just about singing – music is rhythm, coordination, dance, the use of musical instruments, the use of musicogram, body percussion, etc. I created my own music channel on YouTube, a channel where I upload videos with my children (I have the consent of the parents to upload these videos, these agreements were signed at the moment when these children entered the small class precisely because the videos with these copies are uploaded to my Facebook page and Youtube).

What activities do I do:

Deciphering a song with the help of musical instruments (Xylophone, musical bells, sound bellows, boom whackers), dances, rhythm exercises (here I use sticks, plastic tubes, bags, scarves, socks, hoops, improvised instruments, maracas, patterned sheets, spoons, etc.), musicograms.

I took part in training activities that influenced my teaching: the music courses taught by Ana Maria Rusu and the music therapy course in Oradea, held by Monica Manses. That’s how the change began, with these wonderful ladies, whom I had the honour of meeting at the right time.

I am also attaching my channel with music activities for kids. https://www.youtube.com/@claudiamusic451

Every child has the right, by birth, to have their basic needs met, such as those related to food, warmth, clothing, a roof over their head. The research also highlighted other types of child needs, which must be met: physical, emotional, social needs and needs that ensure intellectual development. The harmonious growth and development of the child is influenced by several factors: good nutrition, adequate medical assistance, beneficial social environment and the opportunity to play and learn. The task of parents and educators is to provide the child with an affective, safe and stimulating environment and to let them explore and feel the satisfaction of their own learning.

Music can improve the child’s mood, reducing their stress level. Even sad music can have beneficial effects due to its purifying power, helping children understand their emotions.

Music can stimulate the production of certain chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine and oxytocin. When such substances are released, children are much more open to sharing their toys with others, being empathetic, trusting others.

  • Music can increase concentration and productivity.
  • Music can improve school performance.
  • Music can develop spatial intelligence – increasing the child’s interest in mathematics, engineering, computer science and architecture.
  • Music can improve vocabulary and creativity.

Music transports us wherever we want to be, it’s like a car that can teleport us to any time and any place we want. We just have to choose it well. Music is the almost magical ingredient that can change our mood almost immediately. Music touches us, moves us. Music is like a feeling put on the music score. It is a universal language that any soul can understand. No translation needed.

Music can change the world we live in, because it can change people.
