Introductory training

Led by a professional music therapist, each of our activities aim to equip people working at the heart of care with the skills, resources, experience and confidence to run music sessions independently.
Tailored Training (On-site)
A music therapist works alongside caregivers to provide training in their place of work. Working in partnership, we identify aims of for activity and who will take part. Through regular music sessions and training discussions, our music therapist demonstrates how caregivers can use music to create positive change. Gradually over the course of the training, caregivers take over leadership of the music activities until they are running them independently. Read more about our On-site training.
Distance Learning Programme
The Distance Learning Programme (DLP) is a training course designed for caregivers working with young children with disabilities. It enables them to incorporate the benefits of music into what they can offer the children in their care. The programme comprises a series of online tutorials, one practical intensive study weekend, written assignments and a supervised practical assignment. Read more about the Distance Learning Programme.
Interactive Music-Making
Interactive Music-Making (IMM) is our structured training programme for early years practitioners. It teaches a child-centred approach to music-making, which promotes positive relationships and fosters each child’s individual potential. Read more about Interactive Music-Making.
Music Helps
Music Helps is an online training course created specifically to help caregivers working with people living with dementia. The interactive four-hour course comprises five chapters offering guidance, videos, exercises, and resources to give caregivers an understanding of the role music can play in the care they provide, whether at home or in a residential setting. Read more about Music Helps or visit the Music Helps homepage.
Tailored Workshops
Our tailored workshops are designed for caregivers in the UK. They provide inspiration, resources and encouragement to bring an injection of music into care provision, and ongoing support to convert enthusiasm to confidence to help caregivers make music part of the care they provide. Read more about our Tailored Workshops.
Featured projects
On-site skill-sharing: The Children’s Trust (Tadworth) 2021
United Kingdom
- Children
- Young people
- Disability