Our Interactive Music-Making students begin their Practical Assignments!
United Kingdom
- Children
- Disability
- Interactive Music-Making
- Activities

Following 11 weeks of reflective discussions, practical workshopping, and peer learning, our early years practitioners have covered all manner of topics in readiness for their Practical Assignments, which will see them lead their own small-group music sessions with young children in their settings.
Together with the support of Alexia and our 3 brilliant Interactive Music-Making (IMM) Associate tutors, our students have delved into child development theorists who underpin the IMM approach and workshopped musical activities through the eyes of a young child. They’ve considered how behaviour can be understood as communication, and explored the possibilities of non-verbal music techniques to support a young child’s positive social and emotional development.
Thank you for these 11 weeks.. they have been amazing and so informative.
IMM Student
Without doubt, our students’ collective early years experience and expertise will stand them in good stead as they find their feet as interactive music-makers. Over the next 8 weeks, they will be documenting their sessions, reflecting on how their sessions unfolded, and setting individual and group aims to review and celebrate each child’s progress. As well as paying close attention to the children’s responses from week to week, our students’ final practice portfolios will document the progress of their own learning experience as new interactive music-makers. Recording their Practical Assignments will give them the opportunity to reflect on what has gone well, where they faced challenges, and – in the spirit of the IMM approach! – where they found themselves adapting their method along the way.

[I’ve learnt] loads! Techniques to try to respond to a child who test boundaries and invades another child’s playing space. Lots more practical ideas, e.g. how to use a drum and play together, alternatives to ‘waiting turn’ activities..
IMM Student
During the course of their Practical Assignments, Alexia will visit each of our students’ settings to see their music-making practice, offering feedback to support their practice and help them get the most out of their remaining sessions.
Finally, our students will come together again in early June for their Presentation Day; a chance to share their experiences, celebrate their achievements, and recognise the meaningful experiences of music for the young children who have had access to sessions.
We wish all our students the very best of luck with the rest of their Practical Assignments and look forward to hearing about their experiences in a couple of months’ time – stay tuned for more!