Every day in Bethlehem brings some fantastic new experiences.
Our timetables are sorted for the Music as Therapy training
sessions and we are thrilled with the SOS staff that we will be
working with. It fills us with confidence to be working with such
enthusiastic people, so keen to learn new skills through Music as
Therapy and eager to see the effect it can have on the

We have now begun delivering sessions, working with individuals and
with groups at both the SOS Village and the SOS School. Even after
our first session it became evident that children are the same all
the world and their reactions and responses to music and musical
instruments are striking similar to those of children we have
worked with at home in Britain. It’s true therefore that
music really is a universal language. Liz and I are extremely happy
with the sessions so far as the Music as Therapy trainees are
immensely creative, they are developing new skills very easily and
are already confident to lead activities with the children once we
have demonstrated.

Outside work Liz and I are really finding a home in Bethlehem. We
know our way around very well now and our Arabic is improving
everyday! The SOS house that we are living in is brilliant. Our two
little brothers not only help us with our Arabic but they teach us
Arabic dancing and have yet to laugh at us even though I am sure
we’re not quite getting it! Another few evenings dancing with
them around the living room will only lead to much improvement I am