Music Helps is still open for caregivers to enrol
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- Dementia
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- Music Helps
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After launching Music Helps, our online music and dementia training course, almost a year ago, it seems timely to reflect on how our participants have been getting on. We recently published an Executive Summary of our report on the pilot, and we are now sharing with you some feedback from more recent participants.
Through questionnaires, participating caregivers shared with us extremely positive feedback. 100% of students enjoyed undertaking the course, with 77% saying the course helped them learn how music can help someone living with dementia.
I really appreciate the ideas presented in this chapter. I cared for my dad who had dementia and music was a love I shared with him. So, I used our fav. songs a lot and saw for myself how he couldn’t make conversation but could sing full songs…At those times I felt my dad was still with me without dementia.
Music Helps Participant
Music Helps introduces various music tools and techniques to participants and the most popular tools that participants have said they will now use in the care they provide are using music to start a non-verbal conversation, creating a personalised playlist and singing songs with someone living with dementia.
Similar to our pilot feedback of the course, it was heart-warming to read how the course has benefitted not only people living with dementia, but also the caregivers themselves as 77% said the course benefitted their well-being a lot. Caregiving can be an overwhelming experience that can take a toll on one’s mental health and our course shares the importance of looking after yourself and how you can use music to do so.
I am delighted to see that self-care of the care giver is included in this, that is often overlooked. Even the doctors don’t talk about it as they take us through what the deteriorating stages may be for our loved ones.
Music Helps Participant
If you are caring for a relative at home or employed to care for someone of Indian heritage and living with dementia, you can enrol for free onto:
- The English version of Music Helps
- The Telugu version of Music Helps
- The Hindi version of Music Helps
For more information or if you need help accessing the course, please get in touch