We have just informed students on this year’s Distance Learning
Course of their final grades after their completion of the
theoretical and practical aspects of the course.

It was an enjoyable experience in which I learned so much, and from which the child benefited enormously. I intend to continue holding music as therapy sessions with all the children with whom I work at the recuperation

Daniela Dobre, Centrul de Zu de Recuperare pentru Copilul cu Dizabilitati, Complexul de Servicii Comunitare ‘Sf. Filofteia’,

There has been overwhelming demand for places on the next
course, with a long waiting list now that all the places
have been filled. The course will start in January
2012 and we are extremely grateful to Anca Ilies and Mia Cocaina
(Local Partners since 1999, Centrul de Zi Sf. Maria, Cluj) who are helping us by hosting the Intensive Study Weekend which comprises a mandatory part of the course.