Since 1995
Music as Therapy International trainers are professionals. I thank them for all the support given every time it was needed and I recommend to others the training they offer.
Our involvement in Romania started in 1995, when the country was working to improve a neglected care system following the fall of Communism in 1989. At that time, thousands of children – many of them with disabilities – were living and being cared for in orphanages. Due to significant care system reforms, these institutions are largely a thing of the past.
In recent years, local momentum has been building to see greater recognition of music therapy as an effective form of intervention for children and adults with additional needs. Our Partners are among these pioneers and, alongside our continuing commitment to providing accessible training and professional support for those working with people with disabilities, we strive to champion local leadership and to support the ways in which a the Romanian practice of music therapy is developing.
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